Did you train to be a face painter?

I often get asked did you train to be a face painter?

I have been so lucky along the years to have had the most fabulous training from many different face paint artists across the globe. From workshops and conventions that I have attended plus online training too.

Face paint training at the very beginning can give you tips on good working practices and avoid picking up bad habits. It is a good investment but also you need to invest your time. Time to practice, time to create and put your designs to memory. If you can call on your designs from memory and produce with quality and speed then everyone is happy.

I do believe though that like any artist, a certain amount of technique can be taught. The majority though comes from the passion and drive about your art and an inner natural ability to be able to see and create.

Some people are born for numbers, some are drawn to technology or creating and crafting. For me ever since I was little I have always drawn, painted and created. Hidden talent lurking, waiting to emerge? Or do we genetically inherit certain traits that guide us to careers in certain paths?

Quite a deep question I suppose, but since starting my family history research 10 years ago it is so interesting to see creative lines coming down various branches of my tree.

All I know is that the last 10 years since I started my face paint journey and launched into business nearly 9 years ago they have been my happiest.

One Response to Did you train to be a face painter?

  1. Sue Riddoch May 4, 2023 at 3:16 pm #

    Well going by how talented you are and Andrew is, and then to look at Rebecca. I’d say it is definitely generic.

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